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My Leap


{As I challenged myself in Spectators, with you as my witness for accountability, I have now made the decision, and my Leap launches materially in ten days.  While I have already leaped, internalizing the decision, the outward signs of me no longer settling will be more publicly evident in that short time.  And with that in mind, I continue to search for me.} 

"... then suddenly, I was my father's son again"

Yes, a phrase from a book, a movie, a song, can convict, reach you right where you live.  Reaching back, the me who was, as it turns out, was not so locked away.  Once willing to pull away the first bit of defensive dermis, I see that as way leads onto way and truth better merges with vision, I am no longer daunted by the peeling back, but I resent each layer, come to hate the toughskin (all Montagues).  Recovering the me who was, and yes, running.  As the sand crunches with each stride now, I breathe in that Summer of old (too, the mischief that it was), and the me who was is less now an old friend sharing strides with me, more my pulse.  More wholly mine now, my gait is easier, my feet strike true, the running which was work becomes a flow, carries me with it.  And I run to, not from.

Make your life art.  Know your self.  

Your mileage may vary.

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