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'Simplifiers' : where is value


"... to collect experiences, not possessions."
I happened upon an article by John A. Quelch, the Lincoln Filene Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.  Those are his words (or perhaps the school's now; you get the idea).  I think I took something away from his article, although I am unsure if I took what he meant to share.

{On a day in which I have not yet run} I entreat you to collect experiences -- 

They are more shareable than possessions.
While they can be fragile, you need not insure them.
You can not remotely monitor their security.
It costs you nearly nothing to share them.
You can give them away without losing them.
Indeed, the more you share them, the more they are yours.
They are portable, susceptible of long term storage.
'Obsolete' does not apply.
There is no enhanced warranty plan.
They are the subject of art -- what art is about.
Symbiotic, you shape them and they, you.
While there are many you yearn to control, the unexpected may tend to abide.
Only as you collect them does the vessel of you become discernible.

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